Monthly Archives: April 2018

Special Angels Foundation

Toshiba Digital Camera

Just recently I had the privilege of attending the fundraiser kick off for Special Angels Foundation.  I had been invited by our pediatrician who is the medical advisor.  Since he had been taking care of our 6 children for over 20 years, I knew that this had to be something close to his heart to ask me to come along.  He knew my heart.  The heart of a mother with a child with special needs who’s mission was to help as many families get over the hurdles I had been dealing with for 16 years.

The fundraiser was amazing.  There were so many stories of trials and triumph.  So often those of us with special needs children feel alone, frustrated and exhausted.  It was a relief to be in a room full of people who “get it”.

The focus of the foundation is to meet the needs that often go unmet.  As insurance companies cover less and less, many who are in need of equipment and therapies go without.  If you are interested in learning more about the foundation, joining us for events or supporting SAF, please visit the Special Angels Foundation website.  No gift is too small.  Every gift is a blessing.

Thank You!