Monthly Archives: October 2019

Another Testimonial

Blenderized RN. I love this Facebook group! So much support and encouragement for anyone interested in getting their loved one with a g-tube off formula and on to what the rest of us eat…FOOD! With every testimonial comes the oppurtunity to help the Healthcare system know that blenderized diets for people with gastric tubes works. Here is one such testimony from the group:

Our son’s check up today was absolute 360 from the clinic visit he had one year ago: he jumped from ~10-20th percentile to ~50-60th for height and weight, went from vomiting multiple times a week to rarely in a month, and instead of his doctors recommending more fluids to get his numbers down and more calories to get his growth up (both usually resulting in tolerance issues) they said everything is going so great; don’t change anything! The cherry on top was when the head of his team (nephrology) said: “We should really be encouraging families to start a blended diet sooner.” 👏🏻🙌🏻

One year ago, 100% of our son’s nutrition came from a formula. Today, all of his daily intake is real food. He still gets an overnight pump of a water/formula mix, and that balance works for him and our family. For anyone on the fence, give it a try. You don’t have to go all in right away. Every little bit can make a positive difference. It seems overwhelming but soon, like everything else, it will be second nature.

We had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. And gain, and gain, and gain he did!!! 💪🏻🍅🍊🍋🍏🍆🍗

Meet Sawyer

This testimonial is 1 of hundreds (if not thousands) listed in the Facebook group Blenderized RN. I only share these testimonials with the the permission of the original poster. Each one has a different background, diagnosis and journey but they all say the same thing…BLENDING REAL FOOD WORKS FOR TUBIES!

Just want to give our “testimony” about blended foods, if anyone is hesitant about it. Sorry for the length.
I was super hesitant myself but my wonderful friend Kristen Nichole Leverett helped me SO MUCH.
My daughter is 2. She was born weighing 2 pounds 6 oz in May 2017. She’s had two open heart surgeries and her g tube placement surgery.
She was on Elecare as an infant and then switched to Elecare JR at around 18 months old. She was throwing up constantly. Could barely tolerate 100 ml of Elecare JR ran over an hour through our pump. Finally this past June, I had had enough and knew that Kristen blended real food for her son, so I reached out to her. She talked me through it all for weeks until I figured out what worked for us. We started blending that day and we haven’t looked back to formula at all.
On formula, she wasn’t walking, her hair was so short, she could barely fit in infant shoes, and was constantly vomiting like I mentioned.
Now, 4 months later, she’s almost running everywhere, her hair is growing, she wear a size 5-6 in toddler shoes, and I can’t remember the last time she threw up. She’s also blossoming mentally! She knows her ABCs, can count to 15, and knows most of her colors.
I’m so thankful for this group.
The first picture was sometime in June. She was scooting on her bottom to get around and was wearing walking shoes (size 2 in infants). The second picture was about an hour ago while playing soccer and throwing balls with her brother & me outside (the shoes in this picture are a size 6).